CURB Home Energy Monitoring System Review

Is The CURB Home Energy Monitoring System A Reliable Solution For New Solar Users?

CURB Home Energy Monitoring System ImgFirst impressions of sales photos for the CURB Home Energy Monitoring System can be a little overwhelming. There are a lot of wires, connectors and sensors in the image that could make the system a little complicated for first-time users.

The aim of this solar monitor is actually pretty simple – it monitors the production of solar power in the home for a clear idea of what is being generated, and then helps you to control your devices to improve performance.


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This is an interesting tool for homeowners that have just gotten into the idea of going solar and want to see if it was a good move. Is this set-up able to deliver and are users viewing it as a helpful, long-term solution?

What benefits have been provided with this CURB Home Energy solar monitor system according to online user reviews?

This system does seem a little complicated at first. There are 18 different sensors for different information on power consumption, production and charging in the home and even for your vehicle if you have an electric model. The good news is that it attaches to the breaker panel and most users say that it is pretty easy to install.

This set-up provides a simple breakdown of information that is invaluable to users that are new so solar power generation. Some are surprised by the readings and are adapting their set-up to make it more efficient in the future. Some gain simple peace of mind over financial matters; others make big discoveries about power consumption and change their habits.

CURB Home Energy Monitoring System 2 ImgThe main reason that users are able to make these discoveries and changes is that there is some great technology within this system that makes it highly appealing to many homeowners. The company claim that this is “most powerful and intelligent integrated hardware/software system” for the job.

This claim all comes down to the simple integration with the Samsung SmartThings platform, which leads to enhanced controls and more options for viewing data. The tech works with iOS and Android devices to place the controls in everyday mobile tech for real-time data. This makes the system much more accessible and easier to understand than many would expect.

What are the important downsides to this CURB Home Energy Monitoring System that might limit any recommendation from current users?

There are a lot of glowing 5 star reviews from buyers that were convinced about the potential of this product from the start and have not be left disappointed. However, there are also a number of low-rated reviews from users with concerns about the apps limitations and future worth.

It is important to remember that this is a crowd-funded start up company with good intentions and a first gen product. People put money into this investment and received a good starting point with room to grow, but there are those that believe that there are still too many kinks to iron out.

CURB Home Energy Monitoring System 3 ImgThe biggest concerns comes over what happens to the data and the app if the company goes out of business in the near future. At the moment, the real-time data is useful but limited.

There is currently no way of exporting data to the device to track changes and see progress, which weakens the potential of this system as a long-term solution. There have also been a few bugs reported about “phantom” data. Buyers are worried that this a short-term solution with no clear future development.

Summary: is this CURB Energy Monitoring Device still recommendable for purchase with these flaws in mind?

In the end, this system is seen as a great learning experience for many households, whether users keep this hooked up long term or not.

There is a lot of potential for new owners to get a better idea of what really happens to the power they generate and how to adapt a system to make it more energy efficient. Many users say that they are now more energy conscious and they love that they can quickly see data in an accessible way thanks to the app.

There are concerns and issues regarding future updates and long-term plans, and these mostly depend on the success of this start up. Ideally, Curb will be able to grow and adapt a 2nd gen model that improves upon this CURB home energy monitor. For now, it is still seen as a great option for many homeowners thanks to that ease of installation and the user-friendly app.

Find more reviews about the CURB Home Solar Energy Monitoring System on Amazon here.