Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Kit Review

Is The Substantial Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Kit As Beneficial As Buyers Hope?

Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator KitThe Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Kit has been called a beast by some reviewers and it is easy to see why when looking at the size of the product and the amount of extra features on offer. In addition to the four, large Boulder 30 solar panels that will utilise the suns rays.

There is also the tripod for better positioning, a cart and two carrying cases for the panels for easier transportation, 3 LED “light a life” lanterns for an extra light source and ten tough clips to hold it all together. The sales pitch talks about creating “your own solar farm” and “maximising” the sunlight but are the results really this impressive?

See best current price and read customer reviews at Amazon here


Let’s Look at Features of the Goal Zero BONUS Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Kit

  • Silent power generation
  • Backup critical appliances
  • Safe to operate indoors
  • No fumes or fuel to store
  • Easy-to-use
  • Rated for continuous duty

What benefits have buyers been reporting in their testimonials for this Goal Zero Yeti 1250?

Often, products such as this are purchased for emergencies when standard electric power is not available. Some buyers have this in mind, using the system to power big items like fridges in a blackout. But the biggest advantage to this solar kit is that it has been rated for “continuous duty” and therefore has great potential as an everyday generator.

There are many buyers using this Goal Zero solar generator system as a daily power source for lesser electronics like entertainment devices and computers.

Another advantage mentioned by Goal Zero is that the Yeti 1250 offers silent power generation. Interestingly, there is little mention of how silent it is in user reviews but lots of people are talking about the flexibility, reliability and speed.

This daily use is managed effectively, it offers an efficient and fast charge for many different electronic devices and the large range of outlets mean that multiple items can be charged at once.

What disadvantages have users noted when testing out this Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator?

The price of this kit has been brought up by some buyers as this is not the cheapest of products but none have lowered their score because of this drawback, suggesting that the benefits received make the cost worthwhile.

Bigger issues to be aware of are the weight and the assembly. This is a heavy solar power system because of its larger size so some reviewers have issued warnings about attaching it to the tripod alone. A warning that becomes even more important when considering the difficulty that users have had attaching the panels with the clips in the first place.

The method is not particularly intuitive and takes practice but the clips do become easier to use as they are broken in. Additionally, this tightness does also mean greater security so these expensive panels are less likely to fall off the tripod.

Summary: with so few flaws and numerous potential benefits, is this Goal Zero Yeti Solar Generator worth the money?

There are some minor points that make the product a little fiddly to use at times and this is not best recommended for those looking for a budget version or those that may have trouble constructing and transporting such a large item. However, the versatility and reliability shown suggests that it does have wide appeal for many users.

This Goal Zero solar kit is a highly recommendable power source for the right owner because its multiple outlets, extra features and day-to-day applications give it a greater purpose and worth than many buyers would expect.

You can check out more customer reviews about the Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Kit at Amazon here.